Sunday morning! Oh, that glorious weekend morning that doesn't make me feel guilty about getting up from the bed just to open the curtains, then get straight back to the bed and stay there for as long as it feels to. Watch the clouds swimming by in this aquamarine coloured ocean, hear the city waking up from the tightest sleep and feel the gentle touch of the warm sunshine. Love it. Mornings like this are the best and makes me feel pure and vulnerable (not for long, my ego is going to wake up at some point).

Big Bad Bagels, Baznicas street 8, Riga, Latvia
Next thing on my mind is BREAKFAST. The second good thing about Sunday mornings is plenty of time (well, until you get h-angry) to mentally put together breakfast menu from products in the fridge with breakfast images in my head. The result depends on the mood.
It's a daily workday thing. Today we are celebrating. It's Sunday.
Smoothie bowl?
Too often.
Too often.
I'm on a diet (of course, because pancakes are 'too often'!).
So, as you can see my ego is up. Great. Makes the job two times harder. Thank God my boyfriend knows how to handle the situation. Or me.  You're the best!
Let's go out for breakfast!
Ok, that sounds good. But where? That's the next issue. I actually don't know how people were dealing with situations like this when there was no internet. Just walking around the city and judging the menus by the windows? Or just choosing the same place over and over again? Nope. That's not enough for a 21st century gal like me. 
Facebook. Foursquare. Google. Instagram #veganbreakfast #bestveganplacesinriga #veganbrunch. Near me. Search! Looking just for a nice and casual vegan breakfast place. Easy? Not really.  Healthy. Fresh. Nice looking. Not too fancy. Someplace we haven't been yet. Something new. Trending.. but that's optional. Good menu. Nice reviews. 4+ stars and surprisingly vacant table for two on Sunday morning. (30 minutes later) Found it! Let's go!

What to wear? I have nothing to wear ..and it starts over again. I am that kind of person who hates leaving home with no make-up, no hairstyle or no proper outfit. My rule is to choose at least 2 out of 3 to feel good about my appearance. But as I'm feeling today like 70% lazy and 30% fashionista, make-up and outfit combo will work fine. Let's go!

90 minutes and few insta worthy photos later my belly is full and my ego is satisfied. Totally ready for some Sunday activities. 

Big Bad Bagels, Baznicas street 8, Riga, Latvia
In the end of the day.. once in a while it is nice not to think about breakfast menu by ourselves (yes, we love having big, healthy breakfast, that doesn't consist only of cereals and rice milk). I love to eat and, actually, I enjoy cooking for myself and my beloved ones, but even more I love to know what is on my plate. I would define this as the main reason why I really enjoy the process from A to Z. That way I don't have to question anyone (including myself) where did the veggies came from or was this banana organic in my amazing smoothie and was it all worth the calories overall. 
Some time ago (have no idea where) I heard or read this unknown author wondering about getting back the calories that wasn't worth the meal. Haha. That would be awesome. But as it is not really a fairytale we are living in, let's rethink possible results one more time before taking any actions. 

So.. my advice for you is just to be wise, more importantly, to be conscious of whatever you are putting in your belly. There are SO many cool information about what is good for your body and what is not. SO many recipes for any style and taste. Remember, it's totally worth to mind what you are eating, because as someone once said- you are what you eat


Photos are from Sunday breakfast in very nice bagel place Big Bad Bagels in Riga, Latvia. At the moment there are two of these in the city, I chose the one with convenient location for me on Baznicas street. Very nice menu for vegan (not only) bagel lovers with more than one vegan bagel option. I am a bigger fan of freshly squeezed juice cocktails than bagels.. so, I definitely suggest not to stick with a usual go to orange / grapefruit mix and try Mellow Yellow or any other of the menu. Delicious! You won't regret it :) 

Have a lovely Sunday mornings.