I will be honest, I have had this recipe in my selfmade cookbook since the first time I tried a vegan diet. It all started more than 5 years ago when I first became vegan as a part of Christian fasting before Easter celebration. 

Long story short, about 6 weeks I tried veganism, after that I realized how good I'm feeling and how satisfying is the idea of eating without harming any living creature so I decided to just keep on going. Lasted for almost one year. At the time there was no non-dairy milk available in the most popular grocery stores, no vegan subproducts or the green vegan V on the packagings.
This is the answer why I dropped veganism in the first place. It was very hard, took all of my time and dining out was impossible because there were no vegan options on the menus. 

Searching for new recipes or making them up became my daily routine. In one of these times I came up with this amazing, moist and tummy friendly vegan chocolate brownie recipe by combining all that I like with all that I can eat :)
Gluten-free and Vegan, chocolate brownies

Now, check by yourself how fast and simple this recipe is. Take a blender or food processor, check if you have the following ingredients and let's get started!
What you will need?

1 ripe banana
1 teaspoon vinegar
¼ cup neutral oil
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla puree

1 cup brown rice flour
⅓ cup cocoa powder
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons cornstarch
½ teaspoon salt

For perfect chocolate frosting mix these two ingredients and if it's too thick for your taste, add water until it's perfect!

⅔ cup agave nectar
⅔ cup cocoa powder

Using these measurements you will have a full regular brownie pan. Sure, you can use a bread pan instead, just in this case you will need to make 2 batches one after other. Don't forget to keep an eye on the baking time too, it may decrease because of the size of the pan.

What's next?

Here are easy instructions you should follow to get very moist brownies.
  1. Blend bananas well using a blender or food processor.
  2. Add all wet ingredients and blend until it's combined.
  3. Put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl or just use brownies baking tray for that.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and combine them well!
  5. Pour the mixture into the baking tray (if it is not there yet) and bake in 180C degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Let it cool down before putting on frosting.
Gluten-free and Vegan, chocolate brownies

Pay attention

Here are some of my tips and tricks I use and highly suggest you to go through before baking!
  • Use water as much as you use flour. Brown rice flour will soak up all water and equal parts will make sure your brownies are perfectly moist!
  • If you are allergic to bananas or just don't enjoy the flavour as much, replace blended banana with approximately the same amount of cooked apple puree. It will help your brownie stick together and don't fall apart. 
  • If you don't have a vanilla puree, add dry vanilla sugar to your dry ingredients. 
  • As you already noticed, I'm not using baking paper or any fat for greasing a baking tray. For me it works the best. If you are baking in silicone, glass, ceramic or high quality baking tray, I would suggest skip the baking paper!

You will be delightfully surprised by how good can taste homemade, gluten free, vegan brownies! This one has a very rich flavour and the moisture really gets locked into the brownie in the baking process! 

This recipe has become very popular in my house because of my recently found food intolerance to gluten and bananas.. Just as I wrote in the 'tips & tricks' section, replace one banana to cooked apples if you have allergy, food intolerance or if you just prefer it that way! And always remember, this recipe is just a base for your imagination. Add to the final batter whatever you like to, whatever is this season's fruits or nuts, anything that goes well together with chocolate!
I have made this brownie with nuts, coconut caramel, coconut chips, pears, plums and so on!

I really hope you will give a chance to this easy, vegan and fool proof recipe. It doesn't need lots of rare and pricy ingredients, doesn't take long hours in the kitchen and dishwashing marathon afterwards! Measure, blend and bake! Oh, and make one good, strong coffee to enjoy it together with brownie :) 

Save animals. Become vegan.