The recipe says 'Banana bread' but if you have ever had banana bread, you will definitely see that this is something way more. Something word 'bread' really isn't enough to describe. In my opinion 'cake' is more appropriate, so I called it banana loaf cake
Vegan banana loaf cake with chocolate and nuts
Recipe is from my all time favourite plant based and 100% vegan cookbook BOSH! written by Henry Firth and Ian Theasby. They are like magicians from my point of view, making delightful meals that are both easy to cook and incredibly satisfying, all using just plants. I have tried different vegan recipes and cookbooks and, trust me, this one is GOLD!

All I have changed in the original recipe is adjusted to my taste, a smaller amount of sugar and a little longer baking time because of the bread pan size I'm using. In the recipe below all the measurements are written down the same as in the book because, really, none of us want to mess up this amazing loaf cake, right? I think the key of the recipe is a ton of ingredients they have successfully put together, but no worries, all of them are available in most of the supermarkets and easily replaceable, in some way.
Vegan banana loaf cake with chocolate and nuts

What you will need?

Take your blender or food processor, check if you have the following ingredients and finally let's get started! Using mentioned measurements you will have full bread pan of banana loaf cake. 

3 ripe bananas
60ml almond milk
110g dairy-free butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

250g plain flour
75g white sugar
75g light brown sugar
1½ tablespoon cocoa powder
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground allspice

60g dark chocolate
50g pecans
How to make it ultimate?

You can use different size pan if you don't have the right one, just keep in mind it could change the baking time, so you will need to keep an eye on it. Here are instructions for making the mixture perfect.
  1. Put in the blender or food processor bananas, add all the wet ingredients and blend.
  2. Chop chocolate and nuts in a size you desire.
  3. Put in a big bowl all the dry ingredients, including chopped chocolate and nuts, and mix.
  4. Add wet to dry ingredients in a bowl and combine them well!
  5. Pour the mixture in a baking pan greased with dairy-free butter or lined with baking paper.
  6. Bake it in 180C degrees for 60 - 65 minutes, afterwards let it cool down to a room temperature before cutting it into slices.

Vegan banana loaf cake with chocolate and nuts
Here are some of my tips and tricks I use to be sure the loaf cake comes out from the oven just as amazing, as I wanted it to be.
  • It is totally fine to change ingredients with something alike in a texture and taste. I usually use any dairy-free milk I have in the fridge, I replace light brown sugar with dark brown, that has been flavoured and tinted with molasses and instead of dairy-free butter I almost always use extra virgin olive oil. 
  • In some countries it's hard to find an allspice. It is made from the dried berries of a plant Pimenta dioica. The flavor of allspice is similar to mix of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and pepper, so I replace allspice with the three first mentioned.
  • Adjust chocolate and nuts to your taste! I personally don't like pecans, instead of them I use hazelnuts and chocolate. They always end up a little bit more in my cake :)
  • Keep an eye on the baking time. The mentioned baking time in instruction is suggested, as I wrote before the baking time in the recipe can change because of the pan size or other reasons. For my banana loaf cake it takes about 80 mins to be perfect.

Vegan banana loaf cake with chocolate and nuts
And that's it! Extra easy recipe as I promised. All the hard job already did Henry and Ian, so all you have to do is to follow the recipe and enjoy this amazing loaf cake. I hope it will find a place in your go-to sweets list and you'll always have someone to share it with! If you are looking for more vegan, easy and delicious recipes, consider Bosh! and you won't be dissatisfied. I'm still on my way of exploring all their recipes, but as far as I can tell, they are the best!

Enjoy life. Enjoy vegan.